Section: New Results

Models and Theory of Distributed Systems

Asynchronous Byzantine Systems: From Multivalued to Binary Consensus with t < n/3, O(n²) Messages, O(1) Time, and no Signature

Participant : Michel Raynal.

This work [39] presents a new algorithm that reduces multivalued consensus to binary consensus in an asyn-chronous message-passing system made up of n processes where up to t may commit Byzantine failures. This algorithm has the following noteworthy properties: it assumes t < n/3 (and is consequently optimal from a resilience point of view), uses O(n²) messages, has a constant time complexity, and does not use signatures. The design of this reduction algorithm relies on two new all-to-all communication abstractions. The first one allows the non-faulty processes to reduce the number of proposed values to c, where c is a small constant. The second communication abstraction allows each non-faulty process to compute a set of (proposed) values such that, if the set of a non-faulty process contains a single value, then this value belongs to the set of any non-faulty process. Both communication abstractions have an O(n²) message complexity and a constant time complexity. The reduction of multivalued Byzantine consensus to binary Byzantine consensus is then a simple sequential use of these communication abstractions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first asynchronous message-passing algorithm that reduces multivalued consensus to binary consensus with O(n²) messages and constant time complexity (measured with the longest causal chain of messages) in the presence of up to t < n/3 Byzantine processes, and without using cryptography techniques. Moreover, this reduction algorithm tolerates message reordering by Byzantine processes.

This work was done in collaboration with Achour Mostefaoui from the LINA laboratory in Nantes.

Atomic Read/Write Memory in Signature-free Byzantine Asynchronous Message-passing Systems

Participant : Michel Raynal.

In this work [54] we designed a signature-free distributed algorithm which builds an atomic read/write shared memory on top of an n-process asynchronous message-passing system in which up to t < n/3 processes may commit Byzantine failures. From a conceptual point of view, this algorithm is designed to be as close as possible to the algorithm proposed by Attiya, Bar-Noy and Dolev (JACM 1995), which builds an atomic register in an n-process asynchronous message-passing system where up to t < n/2 processes may crash. The proposed algorithm is particularly simple. It does not use cryptography to cope with Byzantine processes, and is optimal from a t-resilience point of view (t < n/3). A read operation requires O(n) messages, and a write operation requires O(n 2) messages.

This work was done in collaboration with Achour Mostefaoui, Matoula Petrolia, and Claude Jard from the LINA laboratory in Nantes.

Intrusion-Tolerant Broadcast and Agreement Abstractions in the Presence of Byzantine Processes

Participant : Michel Raynal.

A process commits a Byzantine failure when its behavior does not comply with the algorithm it is assumed to execute. Considering asynchronous message-passing systems, this work [18] presents distributed abstractions, and associated algorithms, that allow non-faulty processes to correctly cooperate, despite the uncertainty created by the net effect of asynchrony and Byzantine failures. These abstractions are broadcast abstractions (namely, no-duplicity broadcast, reliable broadcast, and validated broadcast), and agreement abstraction (namely, consensus). While no-duplicity broadcast and reliable broadcast are well-known one-to-all communication abstractions, validated broadcast is a new all-to-all communication abstraction designed to address agreement problems. After having introduced these abstractions, we also presented an algorithm implementing validated broadcast on top of reliable broadcast. Then we presented two consensus algorithms, which are reductions of multivalued consensus to binary consensus. The first one is a generic algorithm, that can be instantiated with unreliable broadcast or no-duplicity broadcast, while the second is a consensus algorithm based on validated broadcast. Finally, a third algorithm is presented that solves the binary consensus problem. This algorithm is a randomized algorithm based on validated broadcast and a common coin. The presentation of all the abstractions and their algorithms is done incrementally. This work was done in collaboration with Achour Mostefaoui from the LINA laboratory in Nantes.

Minimal Synchrony for Asynchronous Byzantine Consensus

Participants : Michel Raynal, Zohir Bouzid.

Solving the consensus problem requires in one way or another that the underlying system satisfies some synchrony assumption. Considering an asynchronous message-passing system of n processes where (a) up to t < n/3 may commit Byzantine failures, and (b) each pair of processes is connected by two uni-directional channels (with possibly different timing properties), this work [24] investigates the synchrony assumption required to solve consensus, and presents a signature-free consensus algorithm whose synchrony requirement is the existence of a process that is an eventual t+1bisource. Such a process p is a correct process that eventually has (a) timely input channels from t correct processes and (b) timely output channels to t correct processes (these input and output channels can connect p to different subsets of processes). As this synchrony condition was shown to be necessary and sufficient in the stronger asynchronous system model (a) enriched with message authentication, and (b) where the channels are bidirectional and have the same timing properties in both directions, it follows that it is also necessary and sufficient in the weaker system model considered in this work. In addition to the fact that it closes a long-lasting problem related to Byzantine agreement, a noteworthy feature of the proposed algorithm lies in its design simplicity, which is a first-class property.

This work was done in collaboration with Achour Mostefaoui from the LINA laboratory in Nantes.

Signature-Free Asynchronous Binary Byzantine Consensus with t<n/3, O(n²) Messages, and O(1) Expected Time

Participant : Michel Raynal.

This work [17] is on broadcast and agreement in asynchronous message-passing systems made up of n processes, and where up to t processes may have a Byzantine Behavior. Its first contribution is a powerful, yet simple, all-to-all broadcast communication abstraction suited to binary values. This abstraction, which copes with up to t < n/3 Byzantine processes, allows each process to broadcast a binary value, and obtain a set of values such that (1) no value broadcast only by Byzantine processes can belong to the set of a correct process, and (2) if the set obtained by a correct process contains a single value v, then the set obtained by any correct process contains v. The second contribution of this work is a new round-based asynchronous consensus algorithm that copes with up to t < n/3 Byzantine processes. This algorithm is based on the previous binary broadcast abstraction and a weak common coin. In addition of being signature-free and optimal with respect to the value of t, this consensus algorithm has several noteworthy properties: the expected number of rounds to decide is constant; each round is composed of a constant number of communication steps and involves O(n²) messages; each message is composed of a round number plus a constant number of bits. Moreover, the algorithm tolerates message reordering by the adversary (i.e., the Byzantine processes). This work was done in collaboration with Achour Mostefaoui from the LINA laboratory in Nantes, and Hamouma Moumen from Université de Béjaïa.

Specifying Concurrent Problems: Beyond Linearizability and up to Tasks

Participants : Michel Raynal, Zohir Bouzid.

Tasks and objects are two predominant ways of specifying distributed problems. A task specifies for each set of processes (which may run concurrently) the valid outputs of the processes. An object specifies the outputs the object may produce when it is accessed sequentially. Each one requires its own implementation notion, to tell when an execution satisfies the specification. For objects linearizability is commonly used, while for tasks implementation notions are less explored. Sequential specifications are very convenient, especially important is the locality property of linearizability, which states that linearizable objects compose for free into a linearizable object. However, most well-known tasks have no sequential specification. Also, tasks have no clear locality property. This work [26] introduces the notion of interval-sequential object. The corresponding implementation notion of interval-linearizability generalizes linearizability. Interval-linearizability allows to specify any task. However, there are sequential one-shot objects that cannot be expressed as tasks, under the simplest interpretation of a task. We also showed that a natural extension of the notion of a task is expressive enough to specify any interval-sequential object.

This work was done in collaboration with Armando Castaneda and Sergio Rajsbaumm from UNAM, Mexico.

Test-and-Set in Optimal Space

Participant : George Giakkoupis.

The test-and-set object is a fundamental synchronization primitive for shared memory systems. In [35] we address the number of registers (supporting atomic reads and writes) required to implement a one-shot test-and-set object in the standard asynchronous shared memory model with n processes. The best lower bound is logn-1 for obstruction-free and deadlock-free implementations, and recently a deterministic obstruction-free implementation using O(n) registers was presented.

In [35] we close the gap between these existing upper and lower bounds by presenting a deterministic obstruction-free implementation of a one-shot test-and-set object from Θ(logn) registers of size Θ(logn) bits. Combining our obstruction-free algorithm with techniques from previous research, we also obtain a randomized wait-free test-and-set algorithm from Θ(logn) registers, with expected step-complexity Θ(log*n) against the oblivious adversary. The core tool in our algorithm is the implementation of a deterministic obstruction-free sifter object, using only 6 registers. If k processes access a sifter, then when they have terminated, at least one and at most 𝖿𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗋(2k+1)/3 processes return “win” and all others return “lose”.

This is a joint work with Maryam Helmi (U. of Calgary), Lisa Higham (U. of Calgary), and Philipp Woelfel (U. of Calgary), supported by the RADCON Inria Associate Team.